Let's experiment now by instantiating a product object and setting some of itsproperties by following these steps:1. Start the Magento interactive console running under your Magento staginginstallatio
Let's experiment now by instantiating a product object and setting some of itsproperties by following these steps:
1. Start the Magento interactive console running under your Magento staginginstallation root:
php shell/imc.php
2. Our first step is going to create a new product object instance by typing:
magento> $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
3. We can confirm whether this is a blank instance of the product classby running:
magento> echo get_class($product);
4. We should see the following as a successful output:
magento> Magento_Catalog_Model_Product
5. If we want to know more about the class methods, we can run the followingcommand line:
magento> print_r(get_class_methods($product));
This will return an array with all the available methods inside the class. Let's try torun the following snippet of code and modify a product price and name:
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(2);
= $product->getName() . '-TEST';
= $product->getPrice();
$product->setPrice($price + 15);
On the first line of code, we are instantiating a specific object, then we are proceedingto retrieve the name attribute from the object. Next, we are setting the price andname, and finally are saving the object.